3D terms and conditions
Use of the Secto Design 3D models is subject to registration of name, company/organisation, location and email address as well as accepting the terms and conditions and the Privacy notice. Secto Design Oy (Secto Design) reserves the right to save and use the information provided by the user in accordance with current legislation, for its own operations to prevent the misuse of its 3D models and other materials. More detailed information regarding the collection of data found in our privacy notice.
The Secto Design 3D models are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights in which Secto Design has the right to use. Secto Design owns and controls all the intellectual property rights of the designs of its products and related material such as photos and drawings. All use of Secto Design’s intellectual property rights without written permission is strictly prohibited. Secto Design takes the protection of intellectual property rights very seriously. If Secto Design’s intellectual property rights have been used without permission legal proceedings might be brought against the interfering party by seeking monetary damages and/or an injunction to stop infringing the rights. Legal cost payments may result.
The user of the Secto Design 3D models shall take all necessary steps to prevent the unauthorized use of the Secto Design 3D models. The user does not have the right to claim ownership or distribute the Secto Design 3D models. The user is responsible for the 3D models used. Secto Design shall not be held liable for any damages caused by the use of the Secto Design 3D models.
The Secto Design 3D models are only intended for use related to Secto Design’s products. The document in which the Secto Design 3D models are used must include an attribution to “Secto Design”.
The Secto Design 3D models may not be modified. The 3D models may not be used for any purpose that is in breach of the law or good practice or damaging to any company, person or brand.
Secto Design Oy reserves the right to modify the availability, terms of use and technical implementation of the Secto Design 3D models without prior notification at any time. Misuse of the Secto Design 3D models may result in legal consequences.
Any disputes arising from these terms of use shall be resolved under Finnish law.
More information:
CEO: Emma Frenzel
Secto Design Oy
Kauppalantie 12
02700 Kauniainen, Finland
tel. +358 9 505 0598
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