User instructions – Inspirations
Open the inspiration section in your browser.
1. Categories
Top image. The image gallery has been divided in to following categories:
- Private interiors – Homes, summerhouses etc
- Public interiors – Restaurans, hotels etc
- References – List of public interiors
- Model rooms – Demonstrative settings
- Product images – Minimal or no background
- All images – All images available.
2. Search filters
Top image. You can narrow the results by choosing:
- Model or type
- Color
- Space
- Free word search
- Big or small thumbnails for the images found

Model or type
Want to see only pendant lamps? The versatile Secto Design collection includes pendant lamps, floor lamps, table lamps, wall lamps and ceiling lamps. Choose one lamp type and see references from around the world.
If you are interested in specific model, e.g. Octo 4240, just select and focus on it.

Select to see only lamps of certain color: birch, white, black or walnut.

Images have been tagged based on the space the lamps have been phototographed. In case of homes it can be rooms such as bedroom, living room etc. For public interiors these can be lobbies, restaurants, and so forth.

Find specific images by using keywords, such as a hotel name, location or country.

Big / small thumbnails
You can choose to see the list of results in big or small thumbnails.

Reset filters
Found 0 results with the chosen filters? Reset the filters at any time and you will find all of the images.

Open image
Click on a image in order to see it on a bigger size. You will be shown the options:
- Lamps – List of lamps seen in the images. Click on the link to read more about the lamp.
- Details – Information about the location, city, country, and the photographer.
- Download – Download the image to your computer.
- Size of the image in pixels, and the format.
- Filesize
- Low resolution version – Smaller size of the image, ready for screen use.
- Pinterest – Save the image to your Pinterest account.
- Close – Close the image by clicking the x-icon in the top right corner.

Your contact details
For the first download the system requires you to submit your contact details.
- Name – Firstname Lastname
- Company
- Read and accept the terms of use.
- Download the image to your computer.
- Privacy notice – More information on how we value your privacy.
Send us your images
Do you have a location, home or workplace, where you have used Secto Design lamps? We would be interested to possibly use it in our references galleries. Please contact us in order to get more details:
Marjaana Heleniemi
Creative Manager
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